Showing posts with label SNT-TC-1A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNT-TC-1A. Show all posts

Saturday, November 24

Certification Requirements

There are a number of organizations that have produced documents that recommended or specify the minimum qualifications for certification. The following is a partial list of documents pertaining to the certification of NDT personnel in the US.
SNT-TC-1A, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Recommended Practice, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing.
ATA-105 Aviation Transport Association, Guidelines for Training and Qualifying Personnel in Nondestructive Testing Methods.
AIA-NAS-410 , Aerospace Industries Association, National Aerospace Standard, NAS Certification and Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel.
ISO 9712, International Organization for Standards, Nondestructive testing -- Qualification andcertification of personnel.
The education and work experience requirements for the various specification are common or similar. Typical requirements are summarized in the table below for qualification levels I and II. Please consult the certification documents to assure that information is correct for your situation.